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Frequent Activities

The B.B and Girls Assn.

We meet at the Carlton Centre. See Carlton Bookings for dates and times.  We have all sorts of activities suitable for various age groups and also learn respect for others.

Provi Circle

A group for the ladies of the church. We meet on the third Monday of the month, usually in a members house. Whilst having drinks and snacks, we discuss and arrange such things as Gift Day, Christmas and other lunches which are held throughout the year. This is quite an enjoyable evening and we begin at 7.30pm.


Besides gardening, we also look after the fabric of the building. Due to vandalism and age, we oversaw the installation of a new metal fire escape at the rear of the church. The back corridor dado has been lined with wood. We deal with all aspects of maintenance, using traders where it is illegal to do the work ourselves. e.g. gas and electricity.

Garden Gang

Meet each Tuesday throughout the summer to tend to the grounds. The biggest job is cutting the lawns but we now have it down to a fine art. It takes about an hour to complete the work so we are not much of a nuisance to our neighbours. You’ve guessed it! we finish with coffee and a chat. Meet us at 1.30pm on Tuesdays.