Duties For June.10.15. Coffee Fellowship in the Raikes Room.11.00am Sunday Worship.Sidesman Rota..1st. Mr. Horsfall and Mrs. Lees-Wolfenden.8th. Mr. Bottomley and Mrs King.15th. Mr Ken Wolfenden and Mrs. Yarker.22nd. Mr. Wade and Mrs. Gibson.29th. Mr. Horsfall and Mrs. Lees-Wolfenden.Vestry Rota:1st. Mr. Lees-Wolfenden and Mrs. Wright8th. Mr. Wade and Mrs. Gibson.15th. Mr. Horsfall and Mrs. Lees-Wolfenden.22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Lees-Wolfenden.29th. Mr. Lees-Wolfenden and Mrs. Wright.Flowers.Mrs. Sylvia Wright.Communion Prep.Mrs. Sue Wolfenden.Communion Servers.Mr. David Horsfall and Mrs Lees-Wolfenden. .